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This past year, a bunch of you read my weekly posts about topics related to healthcare design, plus a few I threw in there about marketing and social media.  Thanks.

It's always interesting to me which topics are the most interesting to you. Apparently, you don't care much about marketing and social media.  But you do care about hospital and healthcare design.

So, in case you missed them (or want to read them again), here are my most-read posts from 2016:

10. 3 Findings from 3 Healthcare Design & Construction Surveys

In case you missed it, there’s been a lot of healthcare design and construction surveys recently. Health Facilities Management/American Society of Healthcare Engineers, Healthcare Design, and Modern Healthcare all published reports in the past three months. As a data junkie, I love surveys, although I’m not sure this year’s crop tells us much of anything new. Read the post>>

9. Why One Size Fits All Patient Rooms Don't Work

Is there anything you can think of where one size fits all? Certainly not in clothing or footwear. Not in sports equipment or eyewear. Not in wedding rings or activity trackers. Then why are we designing one size fits all patient rooms in hospitals? Read the post>>

8. What People Are Saying About Evidence-Based Design vs. Evidence-Informed Design

Last month I wrote a post questioning whether evidence-based design and evidence-informed design are all that different. Not surprisingly, many of you have strong opinions about this and posted comments on this blog and my LinkedIn updates. In case you didn’t see those comments, here’s a few...Read the post>>

7. Healthcare Facility Design Trends:  Breaking Down the AHA Environmental Scan

In preparation for my Interactive session with Gensler’s Sarah Bader at the Healthcare Design Expo and Conference in Houston next month, I’ve been reviewing some recent surveys and reports on healthcare trends. One I came across recently is the American Hospital Association 2017 Environmental Scan...Read the post>>

6.  Who Are the True Architects of Hospital Projects?

How often are front line healthcare professionals and patients the true architects of hospital projects? Maybe more than I’ll ever know, but I think it is one of the key elements in truly successful hospital projects. John Warner, MD, CEO of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center’s University Hospitals, believes it and wrote about it in a recent post for the Harvard Business Review online...Read the post>>

5. Who Was the First Healthcare Architect?

Did you know that the first healthcare architect was a nurse? Okay, it may be a bit of a stretch to call Florence Nightingale an architect, but I was reminded of her impact on hospital design as I read the first chapter in the new book, Nurses as Leaders in Healthcare Design, edited by Jaynelle Stichler and Kathy Okland...Read the post>>

4. 4 Ways Hospital Facility Design Can Help Prevent Nurse Burnout

Did you know that National Nurses Week 2016 starts today? During the next seven days, the American Nurses Association wants us to celebrate the important role nurses play in healthcare. Which is a good thing to do. But all this celebrating won’t prevent nurse burnout, which has been labeled as a “public health crisis” by the media recently. Read the post>>

3. What Happens When Starchitects Design Hospitals?

That was the question posed by Jennifer Aliber and Donald McKahan at last month’s Hospital ICONs program presentation at the Healthcare Design Expo & Conference. Though not as sexy as other civic or public buildings, many of the world’s renowned architects have designed hospitals or healthcare buildings over the years — often partnering with established healthcare design firms...Read the post>>

2. What's Next for Emergency Department Design?

Did you know that 150 million people in the U.S. go to the Emergency Department every year? That’s half the population of the country. But contrary to popular belief, that number hasn’t really increased since the Affordable Care Act took hold. Emergency Department admission rates have gone up just 5% the past few years. These are just a few of the things I learned at The Center for Health Design’s Pebble-in-Practice Workshop on Emergency Department design last week...Read the post>>

1.  5 New Healthcare Design Resources You Should Know About

Are you feeling lost in a sea of information? Here’s five terrific new healthcare design resources (in alphabetical order) that you should check out if you haven’t already...Read the post>>

Happy New Year, everyone!

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Sara Marberry2024

What's my story? I'm a healthcare and senior living design knowledge expert who writes and speaks frequently about trends and issues affecting these two industries. I'm also a strategic marketing consultant and content creator, working with companies and organizations who want to improve the quality of healthcare and senior living through the design of the physical environment. You can reach me at .

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