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It's time for my annual post about my most read posts of the year.

However, instead of a Top 10 list, I've decided to do something slightly different this year and pick a post from each month to share. Many of them are about trends affecting healthcare and senior living design. One is about marketing. Most are among my most read posts of 2022.

So here goes.

January: Making The Case for Healthy Buildings

When Texas A&M Professor Leonard L. Berry asked me last February what topic I wanted to write about with him for an article in a special series titled "Shaping Tomorrow's Healthcare Systems: Key Stakeholders' Expectations and Experiences" in the Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy (JHMHP), I didn't hesitate. "Healthy buildings," I told him. More>>>

February: What's Next for Evidence-Based Design?

It's been 13 years since The Center for Health Design launched its Evidence-based Design Accreditation and Certification (EDAC) credential. To date, just a little over 3,000 individuals are EDAC-certified. This impressive number is partly due to the fact that unlike other design credentials, there are no pre-requisites and anyone can study for and take the multiple-choice answer test. More>>>

March: 5 Trends Shaping the Next 10 Years of Healthcare Facility Design and Construction

I'm no futurist, but as those of you know who regularly read this blog, I often write and speak about trends shaping healthcare facility design and construction. Here are five that are at the top of my list (in no particular order) for the next 10-20 years. More>>>

April: Gensler's Design Forecast -- 10 Healthcare and Senior Living Trends That Are Driving Design Strategies

With $545 million in design fees in 2021, Gensler once again is number one on Interior Design's Top 100 Giants in 2022 -- a spot it has held for the past 42 years. Yep, you read it right. Forty-two years. Doubt that Art Gensler ever envisioned that when he started the firm in 1965. More>>>

May: How Design Can Prevent Nurse Burnout

As National Nurses Week comes to a close, it's made me think once again about how the design of the physical environment can help improve the mental health and well-being of these dedicated, compassionate front-line caregivers. During normal times, the job of a nurse is physically demanding and emotionally exhausting. During the past two years, it's been even harder. More>>>

June: Bioethics in Healthcare Architecture and Design

Until this week, I hadn't really thought much about bioethics. Or bioethics in healthcare architecture and design. Often associated with the ethical implications of biological research and applications in medicine, bioethics is defined by the Hastings Institute as "the interdisciplinary study of ethical issues arising in the life sciences, healthcare, and health and science policy." More>>>

July: Color Therapy in Healthcare Environments: It's Personal Now

A few weeks ago, I got a dose of color therapy by taking a "color bath" at the Kimball showroom during NeoCon in Chicago. Designed by neuroscientist and sensory designer Ari Peralta and his colleagues at MyCoocoon, the color bath is a video projection installation that uses light and sound to elevate the way we perceive color. More>>>

August: Designing for Neurodiversity in Healthcare Environments

I've been hearing a lot lately about designing for neurodiversity. And I'm wondering how it can be applied to healthcare environments. I'm also wondering if designing for neurodiversity is something that many healthcare organizations care about. More>>>

September: Is the Covid-19 Pandemic Over?

Last week, in an interview on "60 Minutes," President Biden declared the Covid-19 pandemic to be over. Maybe he was taking a cue from the World Health Organization's Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Ph.D., who said earlier this month that the end was in sight. More>>>

October: New Research Supports the Impact of Hospital Room Design on Patient Outcomes

It's been 38 years since Roger Ulrich's study on the impact of hospital room design on patient outcomes has been published in Science magazine. In a nutshell, he found that patients with window views of nature recovered quicker from surgery and needed few pain meds vs. those who had a window view of a brick wall. More>>>

November: 5 Characteristics of Senior Living 2.0 That Will Influence Design

Senior Living 2.0 is upon us. It's where the industry is already going. According to Richard J. Hutchinson, CEO of Discovery Senior Living, "Providers that don't jump on board will risk their own survival, and those who are (right now) among the first to deliver a high-quality, resident- and lifestyle-focused experience -- as opposed to just providing healthcare services alongside a place to live -- are offering what is quite possibly the most exceptional value in senior living, ever." More>>>

December: Why It's Important to Cultivate Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

I haven't written a post about marketing in a while, so here goes. Earlier this year, I heard Aaron Estabrook, Director of Digital Marketing at OFS speak to a group of young healthcare designers about cultivating their personal brand on LinkedIn. He explained that there's been a shift from the company to the individual on LinkedIn. And that companies are embracing this because the bigger and brighter your star gets, the better the team or company does. More>>>

Happy Holidays everyone! I'm taking a break from blogging, and will be back in the new year.

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Sara Marberry2024

What's my story? I'm a healthcare and senior living design knowledge expert who writes and speaks frequently about trends and issues affecting these two industries. I'm also a strategic marketing consultant and content creator, working with companies and organizations who want to improve the quality of healthcare and senior living through the design of the physical environment. You can reach me at .

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