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I have to admit that I find most company blog posts in the healthcare design industry kind of boring. And by "company," I mean blog posts on the websites of design firms, nonprofit organizations, consultants, product manufacturers, and others related to the field.


Because they are too stiff and corporate sounding. They don’t have any personality.

Which is fine if that's what your marketing people think is best to reflect your organization's brand.

But do people really want to read a blog post that seems like a marketing brochure or an academic paper? No. We want opinions and advice. We want to be challenged.

So how do you write better blog posts? Well, the next time you're asked by the marketing people to write a post for your company blog (or you volunteer to write one), here are 7 things to keep in mind:

1. Know Who You're Writing For

You're not writing for your colleagues or your Aunt Martha. You're writing for the people who buy (or might buy) your organization's products or services. Think about what they do, their level of expertise, and what they want before you start typing.

2. Pick the Right Topic

Compelling blog posts teach people something new and make them wonder. Or they provide answers to questions. These are typically "how to" or "what you should know" type posts. List the top questions your customers or clients are asking you and you'll have a bunch of topics to write about.

3. Keep it Short

With so much information available online, people's attention span is limited. Try to keep your post to 800 words or less. Write what you want to say and then go back and edit it.

4. Use Active Verbs

Active verbs put you in the present and are much more engaging. Instead of “my team was facing a huge challenge,” write,“ my team faced a huge challenge.”

5. Use Plain English

Big words might impress some people, but they aren’t necessary. For example, instead of “ambiguity” use “doubt.” Instead of “emphasizing” use “saying.”

6. Write With Empathy

Empathy is about putting yourself in someone else's shoes who might not know what you know or think the way you think. When you write with empathy, you acknowledge that you understand what your readers want and what matters to them. Make it about them, not you.

7. Show Your Personality

Share your feelings, thoughts, or emotions about the topic you're writing about. Let your passion shine through. Don't rant, but share your opinions -- even if they are controversial.  People love controversy.

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Kim Montague

4 years ago

I do love this - and GREAT reminders, especially as I'm wrapping up my next blog post.... 🙂

Sara Marberry

4 years ago

Put your personality into it, Kim! Thanks for your comment.

Sara Marberry2024

What's my story? I'm a healthcare and senior living design knowledge expert who writes and speaks frequently about trends and issues affecting these two industries. I'm also a strategic marketing consultant and content creator, working with companies and organizations who want to improve the quality of healthcare and senior living through the design of the physical environment. You can reach me at .

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